Importance Of Laughter As An Alternative Medicine


Laughter is an alternative medicine that improves health, wellness and job performances. Professionals having high-stress occupations mainly benefit from this alternative medicine. Laughter therapy combines simple laughter exercises and gentle yoga breathing. These exercises turn into real laughter when practised in a group.

Yoga of laughter is something that we all can achieve regardless of limitations. When we consider some facts on laughter therapy, it seems clear that almost everyone can benefit from regular use of this new technique that is sweeping across the globe. It is regarded as a sacred practice that calms the nerves and balances the body, mind and spirit. Laughter therapy helps in lowering blood pressure, improves digestion, concentration, flexibility and reduces stress. Its benefit is seen as alternative medicine that helps to relieve anxiety in a variety of ways. This therapy reduces the stress hormone and increases the level of happiness hormone in the body.

Yoga for laughter is considered an alternative medicine for stress management. You can get rid of anxiety and stress by just practising laughter exercise for few minutes everyday. Regular practise of laughter yoga can boost your immune system. Laughter increases the natural killer cells that have the ability to destroy tumors and viruses. It increases disease destroying antibodies and also increases the concentration of salivary immunoglobulin that defends against the entry of infectious organisms through the respiratory tract. Therefore, laughter is considered as an alterative medicine that brings balance to all the components of the immune system and heals the pain.

Laughter therapy makes it easier to cope with life and its challenges. It makes us feel good because it defuses the most aching feelings by releasing them through a painless mechanism. It invokes feelings of joyfulness and happiness. Being an alternative medicine, laughter lifts the spirits and provides new insights. It is the most influential remedial tool that has the skill to considerably change the outlook of life by quickly relieving stress and depression and elevating mood states. It also helps to get in touch with truth and control emotions and feelings under unfavourable situations. Besides healing the mind and mitigating emotional pain, laughter even eases physical pain due to injury and disease and helps in speedy recovery.

If you want to know more about laughter therapy, alternative medicine and yoga for laughter, please visit

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