Importance Of Laughter As An Alternative Medicine


Laughter is an alternative medicine that improves health, wellness and job performances. Professionals having high-stress occupations mainly benefit from this alternative medicine. Laughter therapy combines simple laughter exercises and gentle yoga breathing. These exercises turn into real laughter when practised in a group.

Yoga of laughter is something that we all can achieve regardless of limitations. When we consider some facts on laughter therapy, it seems clear that almost everyone can benefit from regular use of this new technique that is sweeping across the globe. It is regarded as a sacred practice that calms the nerves and balances the body, mind and spirit. Laughter therapy helps in lowering blood pressure, improves digestion, concentration, flexibility and reduces stress. Its benefit is seen as alternative medicine that helps to relieve anxiety in a variety of ways. This therapy reduces the stress hormone and increases the level of happiness hormone in the body.

Yoga for laughter is considered an alternative medicine for stress management. You can get rid of anxiety and stress by just practising laughter exercise for few minutes everyday. Regular practise of laughter yoga can boost your immune system. Laughter increases the natural killer cells that have the ability to destroy tumors and viruses. It increases disease destroying antibodies and also increases the concentration of salivary immunoglobulin that defends against the entry of infectious organisms through the respiratory tract. Therefore, laughter is considered as an alterative medicine that brings balance to all the components of the immune system and heals the pain.

Laughter therapy makes it easier to cope with life and its challenges. It makes us feel good because it defuses the most aching feelings by releasing them through a painless mechanism. It invokes feelings of joyfulness and happiness. Being an alternative medicine, laughter lifts the spirits and provides new insights. It is the most influential remedial tool that has the skill to considerably change the outlook of life by quickly relieving stress and depression and elevating mood states. It also helps to get in touch with truth and control emotions and feelings under unfavourable situations. Besides healing the mind and mitigating emotional pain, laughter even eases physical pain due to injury and disease and helps in speedy recovery.

How To Find An Alternative Medicine For Asthma?


Many people who are suffering from chronic asthma sickness are a bunch of courageous people that keep on fighting this dreadful problem.

They have to fight hard against maintaining their medical costs low, reduce their reliance on drug, have a clean environment to live, and so on.

Constantly, these asthma patients across the world are looking for something that will alleviate the symptoms of the illness that they suffer from.

There are prescribed medications that they can get from their doctor as well as inhalers that help, but is there an alternative medicine for asthma?

If you are searching for an alternative medicine for asthma, either in the form of a pill or in the form of lifestyle adjustments, then this article is for you.

Do you know there are new asthma medicine breakthroughs?

There are over the counter herbal remedies now available for allergy sufferers. Doctors have done studies and have found herbal blends that combine anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and antibacterial results. Astragalus root, Matricaria recutita, and Phosphorus are a few of the herbs being used for this purpose.

Why MUST you go natural?

The major benefit of taking a natural herbal remedy, as opposed to the prescription remedy, is the absence of side effects. Side effects are a part of almost any synthetic drug and asthma medications are no exception.

Using an alternative medicine for asthma, such as an herbal remedy, will largely eliminate the side effects because the medicine will come in a natural, easily digested form.

Another benefit is the cost to the patient. The overall cost of the natural herbal remedy will be much less than the typical prescribed medication. A months worth of a natural remedy can cost you as little as twenty-five dollars for a months supply while the prescription drugs can cost hundreds of dollars.

Drugs that only temporarily improve the asthma problem and our way of life may eventually create a another set of problems. Sometimes, they actually worsens the quality of life at the same time they seem to be resolving symptoms.

Why not?

As with all good things, there is a bad side as well. When you are trying to find an alternative medicine for asthma it can be very difficult to find solid proof, outside of paying the money and trying it for yourself that the product does what it says it will do. There are a lot of companies that make products that dont really work that well.

The prescription drugs have all been extensively tested and meet certain criteria. Another reason is the cost. While the alternative medicine for asthma may be cheaper, it will not be covered by insurance which means that if you have good health insurance, you will pay less out of your pocket for a prescription.

An alternative medicine for asthma may be what you are looking for but it may not be what you want. Make sure that anything you try has been approved by a doctor first.

Trying new remedies without consulting a professional could result in serious risk to your health. But, dont let that stop you from investigating; you may find the alternative medicine for asthma that is just right for you!

Just remember that alternative medicine is not another quick fix. If you are seeking alternative and natural healing as a way to get better, ask yourself how much you are willing to participate in this process.

Although alternative therapies have much to offer, finally we are the only ones who have to take this responsibility for our own healing.

Alternative Medicine Diabetes: Is It Helpful?


Are you suffering from diabetes? Are you worried and cannot decide what will be the best treatment for you? Diabetes can be treated in two ways. One is with the help of the conventional medicine. The other is the alternative medicine diabetes. Diabetes can even be treated with the help of this unconventional method, which is called the alternative medicine. But there are some doctors who do not want to give the alternative form of medicine for diabetes. They mostly prescribe you the conventional medicines. This is because that there are some doctors who do not have any experience with the alternative medicines. But these days there has been many researches regarding the alternative medicine.

Now it has been verified that the alternative medicines can perform effectively lest of most of the diseases and diabetes is one of them. The types of alternative therapy treatment were usually discovered in ancient India and China and it is quite different from the conventional medicine. Comparable the conventional medicines these therapy not use chemicals. The methods of alternative medicine actually require you to maintain some kind of discipline. This instruct can include the diet, it can include different kinds of exercise as well, and overall it is a complete change in the lifestyle of a person. The alternative medicines treatment includes acupuncture, aromatherapy, yoga, guided imagery, massage, hypnosis, herbal remedies, and changes in diet, relaxation and many more.

There are a number of therapies that can be included in the alternative medicine diabetes. Other than this the alternative medicine diabetes includes different kinds of supplements, various types of plant foods, and different kind of herbs. The herbal treatment for diabetes has become very common and these herbs should be taken as supplements and not as the only remedy. With the help of a little thing like cinnamon you can regulate the glucose present in your blood. You can also regulate the cholesterol as well as the triglycerides with the help of this herb in the patient suffering from diabetes.

The Advantages Of Alternative Medicine For Hair Loss Are Numerous


Have you heard about alternative medicine for hair loss? This is becoming more of an affordable solution.

For many years, people had no alternative, but to pay high prices for hair treatments that did not work. The number of people cashing in on other people's pain was astounding.

Hair transplants became the rage and the prices charged for this were quite expensive. With the number of hair grafts needed, the price could easily end up being $20,000 or more.

In addition to the cost, there were the effects of the grafts. They were very uncomfortable.

Seeking an alternative medicine for hair loss was understandable at this point. The studies that have been conducted have shown interesting results.

According to these studies, one of the major causes of hair loss was androgen. This is a hormone that is responsible for male and female pattern baldness.

This is technically called androgenic alopecia. The androgen that is in the blood is changed to DHT by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase.

DHT stops the normal blood flow to the hair follicle. This causes the hair follicle to basically die.

They can no longer produce hair and the hair that is there falls out. This causes bald spots on the head.

An alternative medicine for hair loss has been linked to vitamins. The B vitamin, in particular has shown good results.

Biotin is in the B vitamin family and helps to build healthy hair. The choices are becoming clearer.

According to the studies involving the cause of loss of hair, especially in males, 92% is caused by DHT levels. The prevention of hair loss can be accomplished and new hair can grow.

The secret is to find the right combination of vitamins and minerals to prevent DHT from blocking the hair follicles. In addition, when you provide hair that is growing with the right nutrients, it becomes healthier and stronger.

The ingredients you will find that can create an alternative medicine for hair loss are natural ingredients. Saw palmetto, nettles, Vitamin B-6 and Biotin are the best ingredients to use.

Not only are the ingredients effective, but they cause no side effects like chemicals can. The use of a natural mineral are also beneficial.

Magnesium is one of these minerals. It will help growing hair stay strong and healthy.

It also is another of the blockers of DHT to help prevent the hair follicles from dying. Getting new hair to grow is another advantage.

One of the things you need to remember when searching for the alternative medicine for hair loss is your diet. Eating healthy is another way of keeping hair, skin and nails at their best.

There is the mistaken idea that men are the only ones who have this problem. The fact is, women have problems with losing hair as well.

Although not quite as high as men, the number of women in the U.S. that suffer from hair loss is 21 million. Men top that by numbering 35 million.